Monday 29 October 2007

Hip-Opera: A History

Having recently experienced the pure insanity and operatic drama of R Kelly's new series of Trapped In The Closet chapters, and once Id stopped laughing hysterically, I felt a strange tinge of deja vu. It was as if Id seen this all somewhere before, but couldnt quite place where.

Then, as Trillion and I were watching the VH1 Behind The Music special, 'The Isley Brothers: Dentures Are As Pimpin As Grills', it hit me. That R Kelly! He'd been working on scripts involving bizarre love triangles for years! The blueprint for TITC had been right under our noses all along. Ever since he worked on Kelly Price's forgotten video masterpiece 'Friend Of Mine' with none other than Ron Isley (and dentures) appearing in the starring role of old time gangster, Mr Big.

It has to be one of the most epic visual episodes in late 90's rnb, and undoubtedly one of director Hype Williams' finest moments.

A cautionary tale of love, loyalty and gangster living - a classic example of early hip-opera.