Friday, 14 September 2007

Dr Hwen's Complete guide to surviving your hangover

So it is Friday morning and once again myself and several of my work mates are feeling the effects of the night before. Indeed so bad is it here that I have counted at least 3 separate trips by people rushing to pray to the porcelain god!

However, what has struck me most is the sheer number of methods that people swear by to help them get over their hangovers. Some, no doubt swayed by a clever advertising campaign, stick to downing one of these fowl things:Usually these are the same people who pontificate on same fad diet or other that they have read about that morning in the pages of Metro (clearly a place where anyone with half a brain takes impartial advice from???!!!!!???).
Then, slightly related, are the water only group. Frankly I seriously doubt that drinking litres of this:
will flush out all the damage done by drinking all your weekly allotted alcohol units in the space of a few hours and topping them off with a highly nutritious Doner Kebab.
To my mind there are things you are lacking the morning after a heavy night:
1. Energy (lets be honest passing out does not count as a good nights rest)
2. Salt (alcohol dehydrates you so you use up all the body salt and minerals)
3. Sugar (your blood/sugar level dips drastically when you drink)
You may also have a headache, which can be caused in part by dehydration and also some alcohol contains Tyramine.
So here is Dr Hwen's patented hangover cure all:
First off you need to sort out that pounding I suggest you just bosh 3 of these:That just leaves your energy and sugar levels. It is here that the bastion of American marketing comes in:
This will sort out your sugar levels right away and the added caffeine will give you that extra boost to wake you up.

Finally sort out your salt problem with a jumbo packet of:

By now you should be feeling sufficiently human again to make a decent effort at pretending to work (and by that I mean checking your facebook, myspace and reading various Internet blogs!) and make it through to that magical time (usually about 3 in the afternoon) when your hangover clears up and you get your second wind.....just in time for the weekend!!