Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Out of the Loop

Yeah, I'm out of the loop. It only hits home when you get into something you think is underground, and naturally you start bumping it to your friends like it's the next big thing, only to be told "that shit is old"

Point 1. Flight of The Conchords. Can across them on youtube last week. Starting talking big and hard, only to find out they're massive in the states, with their own HBO series. There was a double page feature in last week's Timeout too. Jeez. Anyway, their HBO series starts on BBC4 in the UK next week. It's all shit hot... Been a long time since I've found a genuinely amusing novetly / comedy music act.

Point 2. the new Flying Lotus, the Reset E.P. that's dropped on Warp. Hot Shit. Dubbed out hip hop from L.A... Playing set in the UK in November... Again, apparently Peterson being bumped this since '06.

Flying Lotus - Tea Leaf Dancers

Also, check the Fly-Lo's new old skool game Attack!!! @

Point 3. The Mountains Goats, i know, they've been around since day dot, John Darnielle's fucked up like any good singer songwriter. I've been listening it pretty much non stop since my boy Pups put it on a mix CD. Apparently I'm the only one who didn't know...

The Mountain Goats - No Children

Next time, keep me in the fucking loop.

P.S. oh yeah, and this... Nice work Trilly.


Unknown said...

damn, if only they'd been strawberry milkshakes (i don't do chocolate)...that prize would've been mine.