Now then, I've had to hold back on dissing this year's series because I feel its a waste of the 2 minutes I would have spent typing about that shit when I could have spent the time better touching myself.....but WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! Its the last day of BB8 (yeah 8 - as it feels like this series has infected by TV forever) and I cannot hold back no more
They say that these "fine young ladies" (for want of a better term) are going to win this shit tonight which is shocking enough.....what has also shocked me as I found out today is that they have entered Big Brother as one entity that they have called Samanda (see what they have done there - clever huh!!!). What is that all about??? Is it so their combined IQs are now high enough that they can be considered one person, or is it that the 2 of them combined might now be fuckable
Guy's probably look at pictures like this and think "hmmm.....twins!!!" Don't fall for that're putting the twins on a pedestal - take the twins off a pedestal for fucks sake
Now.....don't get me started on this guy!!!! Big Brother need to sort it the fuck out - they are misrepresenting brothers everywhere......why can't they have a black person on that show that is slightly normal and a little bit intellectual - I'm not asking for a rocket scientist here
Why is the guy here in a tie - Ni**a please - u ain't got no job, and u never been to school!!! I am fucking hoping he is fronting like everyone says he is - I haven't watched it enough to see, but HOW THE FUCK does the guy not know who Shakespeare is if he went to school!!! and they guy also says that the moon is bigger than the universe!!! damnnnnn
Big Brother sort it the fuck out please get a normal black guy on your show!!!
YOU KNOW WHAT - FUCK IT!!!! I am going to enter into Big Brother next year, it will be a first - the first black guy on BB with a degree. I'll be like Samanda and enter myself and my cock into the contest, but as one person. My cock is big enough to be considered as a separate entity, but smart enough and cute enough that I want it to be considered part of me!!! My cock also knows who William Shakespeare is, and also Charles Dickens!!! hehehe
fuuuuuucks sake
You tell them bruv. Hope you and your cock can sort this damn mess out. Do it.
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