Friday, 3 August 2007

Thank God it's Friday

Those of you who were raised under the oppressive umbrella of religion will remember Fridays back in the day, when you had to make sure you went to mass in the morning and also had to eat fish rather than meat, as a symbolic sacrifice in honour of Jesus (who by the way never declared himself to be a vegetarian, as far as I know - I'm sure he would have enjoyed a kosher hot dog or two...) Those memories have left me slightly traumatised, I must say. I am glad to leave them far, far behind me.

I stopped being interested in the Almighty when my religious studies teacher, who happened to be a nun with far too thick a moustache to ever be taken seriously, told me the reason women cannot become priests in the Catholic faith is that "God has other plans for them". That's bullshit, right. What plans are these - period pain maybe? Even this bunch of ugly ladies agrees with me.

Anyway, nowadays Fridays are a much happier occasion, usually the eve of spectacularly debauched celebrations...It's also the day when you're allowed not to do too much at work because, you know, it's almsot the weekend... It's definitely the day when you get sent most of the sometimes-funny-sometimes-not silly jokes from all your like-minded friends and colleagues. My all time favourite has got to be this no-more nails classic - thought you'd appreciate it.