Monday, 30 July 2007

Is it wrong to hate little guys?

Well I reckon R Kelly would have been proud of the way I had managed to squeeze all of my junk in an undersized trunk the other day, as I swayed down the tube station, smiling to myself and thinking that anyone walking behind me was probably getting hypnotised…Sure enough, I ended up feeling like someone's eyes were litteraly burning through my ass - imagine my surprise when I turned around to find a "little person" (I believe that's one of the acceptable terms) positively staring at my behind, which of course happened to be right at eye level for him, the little bastard.
I couldn't help feeling flustered and a little annoyed - and a little guilty right after that, let me reassure you. The issue was not so much that the guy checking me out was a dwarf (though to be fair that does not necessarily call for a great amount of bragging, despite the assumptions often made about little people's sexual capabilities and appetite), but the fact that he was doing it with that sort of "watchyagonnado" air of someone who knows he's beyond criticism, by virtue of being part of a minority.
It got me wondering - would it be entirely unacceptable for me to slap him on the back of the head and mutter "what you looking at, you pervy little freak?" - yeah, probably. And yet, should I not expect that in the same way we full-growns teach our men not to throw themselves at women's boobs everywhere, little mammas tell their boys that it's not polite getting so far up a girl's ass you don't even know?
One of the things I adore about living in the post-feminist age is that I can pretty much tell any guy who's getting on my nerves to jog on, regardless of how much flirting I may or may not have indulged in with him previously: as a 21st century girl, that's my prerogative. And yet, some men remain immune from our wrath, because we somehow feel a little sorry for them, or uncomfortable about making our views known to them: the dwarves, the disabled, the old, the seriously ugly…Now that can't be right.
I say, let's stop with all the political correctness. Let's call pervy little dwarves exactly that, let's tell the seriously ugly to get out of our face, let's tell the Disabled Jewish Black Lesbian who just got on the carriage that she ain't getting this seat, sister, because I wants it. And whenever some freak manages to make us feel as bad as the asshole who harrassed my girl Samantha the other night, let's remember we remain in control of our bodies and minds no matter what.
Surely there's a place for honesty, even when it's directed at someone who may feel victimised because of what I have to say. I say tough luck, shorty. Now get out of my ass.

P.S: I should probably add that I do have some love for all you dwarves, jews, blacks, disabled and lesbians out there. Of course I do.


Samantha said...

Hahaha I wish you had smacked him... I would have loved to be there to see it!