Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Easy Target Of The Month: Color Me Badd

Color Me Badd's ‘I Wanna Sex You Up’ is the most non-threatening, passive sex song ever. What an opening line: “Come inside, take off your coat, I’ll make you feel at home.” Now that’s just plain courteous yo! Oh Color Me Badd, it’s just as we remember: pastel suits, shoulder pads, designer stubble and that weird dance which looks like an escapology routine. The lead singer looks like a more feminine version of Bridgette Nielson who thought pencil eyebrows were the way to go, then there’s the guy who seems to be the weird amalgamation of George Michael and Laura Bush who’s not only straightened his hair but blow dried it out too…

I've put the 'live' 'performance' of their 'hit' below. The crowd seemed to be so embarrased by the act they barely pay any attention to the fiasco going on, and just cut some some rug to 'some bird singing on a soul record'

Now obviously a lot of what went on during the early 90's falls under the disclaimer 'fuck off it seemed cool at the time' but I've got a strong recollection of Color Me Badd and even in the innocence of my youth, I knew they were fucking weird.